Our basic policy on the protection of personal information
Seiki Corporation (hereinafter called “our company”) recognizes the importance of personal information on its Website (hereinafter called “our Website”). For the protection of personal information our company will observe relevant laws and treat personal information in manner as described below.
Intended purpose of using personal information
In principle, our company limits its use of personal information our company learns from its customer to the purpose of responding to customer’s request for providing its products and services or responding to customer’s suggestion, request for improvement, inquiry.
In the unlikely event of using information for any other purpose, our company will otherwise indicate that prior to obtaining personal information to call customer’s attention.
Information disclosure to a third-party organization
Our company does not disclose, provide, transfer personal information to any third-party organization
unless our company receives request for disclosure from a third-party organization having legal enforcement.
unless our company has customer's prior consent.
Protection by SSL(Secure Socket Layer)
Our company protects the security of your information on our Website by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol software, which encrypts information you input during transmission. It works with Web browsers equipped with security measures. During transmission it automatically encrypts information you input such as name, address, telephone number. Even in the unlikely event of eavesdropping, there will be no danger of revealing. In case your Web browser does not support SSL, you may not be able to access Website or input information.
Applicable scope
This privacy policy only applies to our Website. Our company assumes no responsibility as to Website of other parties even if they are linked to our Website. See their Website to learn their policy.